足跡報社㊗️各位安好!新學年的一月改為網上授課,待在家中的你感到苦悶嗎? 😂
本社現正招募平面設計師(Graphic Designer)及財務助理(Finance Assistant)。我們相信你能造出比本圖更好的作品,或管理日常財務。李嘉誠曾說道:「發光並非太陽的專利,你也可以發光」。現在我們給予大家一個「發光」☀️的機會,一展抱負👍。
詳情請參閱以下職位介紹。如有興趣,請填寫以下申請表。如有任何疑問,歡迎電郵 general.footprint@gmail.com 或DM我們。截至日期為1月22日,11:59pm。
Footprint wishes you well㊗️! All classes are online in January. Do you feel bored staying at home?😂
We are currently recruiting Graphic Designer and Finance Assistant. We believe you can create a better graphic than the ones in this post, or manage daily finances. Li Ka-Shing once said, "Shining is not a patent owned by the sun, you can also shine". We are now giving you a chance to "shine" ☀️ and show us your ambitions👍.
For details of each position, please refer to the link below. If you are interested, please fill out the Google Form below. Don't hesitate to contact us at general.footprint@gmail.com or DM us if you have any questions. The deadline to apply is Jan 22, 11:59pm.
1 share = 1 happiness!👍
申請表/Application Form: https://forms.gle/aiqaUnCgU6VttXQw6
足跡報社Utfootprint於1982年成立,立足加拿大多倫多,為多倫多大學學生及加拿大華人提供寫作平台40年。其旨在於動盪的時代,打通世界的文化脈絡;用最動人的文字,記載兩城生活的生存軌跡與社會思潮。歡迎任何合作或投稿,請電郵至 general.footprint@gmail.com。